New Oldies – Talk To Me Girl by The Next Five


Today’s sample of New Oldies – The Greatest Hits You’ve Never Heard – comes from Brookfield, Wisconsin.  The lead singer is Eric Olson, and he also wrote this song. Steve Thomas is playing guitar, Gordy Wayne Olski plays bass, Mark Buscaglia is on the Hammond organ, and John Kruck is banging the drums. The group was managed by Con Merten and produced by Paul Christy, and you can read more about them here.  The band was formed in 1966 as the Toy Factory, and later became known as the Next Five. Their music, in a word, is awesome! It was issued on Wand 1170 in 1968. Take a listen to the Next Five doing Talk To Me Girl.


For me, this was one of those rare songs that becomes one of your favorites the very first time you hear it.  It’s almost like your brain is tricked into thinking that you’re already familiar with the song, even though you’ve never heard anything like it before. It instantly transforms into a cherished memory!  It’s a musical magic trick.  I hope you like it as much as I do.

New Oldies – The Greatest Music You’ve Never Heard – is a radio format that I’ve developed that is unlike any oldies format ever heard before.  If you’re already a fan of my MusicMaster Oldies online stream, let me assure you, that’s NOT what I’m talking about. New Oldies has a very small playlist and the songs play in very fast rotations. If you’re interested, contact me and I’ll explain!