All posts by Joe Knapp

New Oldies: Dear Love by Angie Kay And The Keys


Sorry again for the long delay between posts. I’ve been really busy getting ready to move. I’ll be leaving San Diego this week for my new home in Dallas. Yes, I know it sounds crazy to leave the perfect weather of California for the hot summers in Dallas. But getting away from the new 13.5% state income tax will soften the pain quite a bit. I can always use the money I’ll save to fly to California for a visit now and then. Since this will be my last post from San Diego, I thought I’d feature a home town artist this time.

Angie Kay was born Angela Kathol in San Diego, California in 1943. She grew up in the south suburb of National City and attended Cathedral Catholic Girls High School where she was a member of the Glee Club. Angie lived just around the corner from Rosie Hamlin who sang the hit song Angel Baby as Rosie And The Originals.

This record was released in March 1962 when Angie was just 22 years old. It was one of two records she cut on the Globe label with both singles released simultaneously. This one, on Globe 400, and the other on Globe 401. That second record contains That ‘OO’ Feeling b/w Cute Little Tomato. I’d love to play those two songs for you, but I can’t. That’s because I have never seen a copy of that single and I can’t find it, or even recordings of those two songs, anywhere. If you just happen to have a copy of this single, or even just a recording of these songs, please let me know!


Here’s Dear Love by Angie Kay And The Key on Globe 400 from 1962:




And here’s the flip side, Mama May I:


The current whereabouts of Angie is a mystery, although I suspect she’s still living in San Diego. If you know how to reach her, please send her a link to this page and let her know that I’d love to hear from her!

I hope to have everything set up to do another post just after Christmas. At that time, I’ll feature another “home town” artist, but this time from my new home town of Dallas! Regardless of where you live, the chances of hearing an artist from your home town are extremely good on MusicMaster Oldies. We’re playing 1950’s and 1960’s music from all over the world!