New Oldies – The Way It Used To Be by Billy And The Kids

Here’s a nice Teener ballad from a completely unknown group. They were probably from East Los Angeles. The song was written by Steve Gold, who was probably a member of the group. Steve co-produced this with someone with the last name Colburt. If you know anything at all about this Billy And The Kids group, please let me know.

These guys should not be confused with the garage rock group out of Wenatchee, Washington who recorded on the Julian label around 1965-1966. That’s a totally different group. There was also a group out of New York called Billy And The Kid who recorded on Decca in 1966, also a different group.

Needless to say, this is a pretty expensive record! Here comes Billy And The Kids doing a song called The Way It Used To Be on Lute 6016 from 1961.

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MusicMaster Oldies plays everything! It’s a mix of Rock and Roll, Pop, Teener Ballads, Country, DooWop, Soul, R&B, Northern Soul, Belgian Popcorn, Electronic, Folk, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Surf Instrumentals, Jazz, Lounge, Novelty, Big Band, Be Bop, Swing, Psychedelic, Funk, Polka, Celtic, African, Christmas, Cajun, Blues, Classical, Middle Eastern, Gospel, Children’s Music, Reggae, Motown, Crooners from the 20’s, Bluegrass, Spoken Word, Broadway Show, TV and Movie Soundtracks, Dixieland, Beat, and more. All on the same station? Yeah! If you listen for a while, you WILL hear something very interesting that you’ve never heard before.

Got any requests? Tomorrow I think we’ll explore some very rare and expensive Northern Soul. Stay tuned!